Tuesday, April 4, 2023

One UFO, a heart and the little ones

Here's a better photo of the quilt that I managed to put together so it's now a full top and not just pieces or an unfinished quilt. 

 I just noticed that the photo was taken when we still had snow.

Just a close-up of one corner.

Another photo taken a couple of weeks ago. Still a windy day.

One more heart completed. 

Surprise! Here's a rare photo of me with all 13 grandchildren. March break is when this photo was taken.

It can be hard to get all 13 of them to sit still for a photo but it did happen. The youngest is 9 months old and the eldest will turn 12 this month. Four of them were born in 2017 and all but two live within a 25 minute walk from me. I am truly blessed.


  1. The heart, the quilt, some snow, but the winner would have to be you and the 13 !!! What a delight to all be together.

  2. Beautiful quilt, but I have to say that you're indeed blessed to not only have 13 grandies but the fact that all but two live that close is amazing.

  3. The quilt is special, but even more special is the photo of you and your grandchildren.


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