I remember when my own children were going to school, I made felt hearts for them. I think I made some for their teachers too.
I just finished sewing 10 Valentine hearts for my grandchildren.
I added pins so that they can be worn on Tuesday.
I think the ones I made for teachers were a tad bigger. This year, I didn't make any for anyone else - no time.
My little grandsons just gave me pink marshmallow hearts - my favourite candy. Their mom bought me a bag of red, candy coated marshmallow hearts. There aren't any left at the store so I couldn't buy anymore. I remember my mom used to buy cinnamon hearts in a small, heart-shaped box. To this day, I still don't like the spicy hot cinnamon heart candies.
I'm with you - I hate those hot cinnamon heart candies too. My mother used to buy them in the heart-shaped box - I loved the box but the candies not so much. I'd rather have fabric hearts!