Thursday, October 10, 2024

Doctor, Doctor!

My eldest son Mark just successfully defended his PhD. We now have a doctor in the family.

I am one proud mom. It was over a decade in the making.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Baby quilts

I just found out that I will be a grandmother for the 14th time. I would like to make something special but at the moment I am in the middle of quilting a Minecraft quilt for another grandchild. My relationship with my sewing machine has not been what it once was when my Kenmore died. It's been hard to get back into the swing of things but I shall try. This may get me motivated to sewing once again.

This is the quilt I am working on at the moment. I have taken two turns so far. Once I get more done, I shall post again.

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Quilt show - part three

 Here are the rest of the quilt show photos. Enjoy!

There were small tables that were covered with lovely quilts. I don't know who made them but they were all gorgeous. Unfortunately, I didn't manage to take a photo of all of them but here's three.

I hope you enjoyed the show. It was fun to re-visit all the quilts.

Friday, April 12, 2024

What's in a name?

I had to share this. 

As seen on Facebook

I never really liked my name. Being of Finnish descent, I would have liked a Finnish name. That's why my children all have names that are Finnish (the boys names and my youngest daughter's are anglicized in spelling.) Laila, Mark, Maili, Eric and Ayla.

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Quilt show - part two

It's so nice to visit this show. I was in a rush when I attended and just basically breezed in and out. I'm surprised at how many photos I took. I hope you enjoy the show.

This is stunning in person.

There are a few more photos...