As with a lot of you out there, I am completing some things that were started but then, for one reason or another, were left unfinished.
I had photocopied the pattern for this little sweater soon after I found out that I was to be a grandmother for the first time. It looked like it was doable once I got a few easier knitting things done. I hadn't knitted since my children were really little. The remarks on the photo were a reminder to myself as to what kind of yarn to use and how much of it I needed. It just happened that I had purchased some burgundy worsted weight yarn when I was in Williams Lake, B. C. visiting my little grandson Luc for the first time.

I finally started it last year but then Christmas came and went and I had no time, nor the inclination to work on it. Then I decided that if I wanted to start something new for Luc's sibling, due at the end of March, then I should really finish something. This has been my evening project while watching TV and I have just one more sleeve to knit. I do love the pattern and it is easy but involves counting so there has been some 'going back a few stitches.' I don't want to say unknitting because I haven't had to undo any rows - just a few stitches. I have no idea who it will be for so after it's complete, it will join some of the other knitted things that I have been collecting.
I want to make a matinee jacket in pure white (Debbie Bliss Cashmerino) for the new baby. I don't know what the yarn is like but I have read that it is soft.

I have also been busy sewing. These are little doll quilts that I have made using up some scraps, unwanted blocks and quilter's candy - you know those little 4", 5", 6" or 7" squares you get when you attend quilt shows? I have them in a clear plastic shoe box and wondered how best to use them up. Making doll quilts was the perfect solution. Also, I have some old fabrics that have been sitting on my shelves for years and I was all set to donate more to charity but then I figured they would make great backings. I also have some flat batting to use up. Some of the batting is cotton and others are a combination. I'm not a fan of hand quilting with it so this is, again, the perfect oppportunity to use it up. It does feel so good to use up what I have and make something useful. So far, I have not purchased any quilt fabric this year and I will continue to dig into my scraps and other fabrics to use up what I have. Although I did purchase some yarn recently, I will be trying to use up what I have in that department also. There is quite a bit of chunky yarn that needs a project so I guess little Luc will be getting another sweater this year.