Just sitting here checking out my blog buddies and listening to Marco Antonio Solis on YouTube. It's raining so its indoor activities today. Cleaning floors, sewing, you get the picture... Youngest son Eric, left this morning to visit big sis Laila. He is on the plane to BC as I write this and won't touch down for another two hours. He took with him the little housewarming gift of the wonky houses quilt and the following two aprons. My daughter and her husband have birthdays in August and she requested aprons. All their stuff is in storage until the 10th or 11th of August while they, with the help of Eric, take down wallpaper, paint and lay new flooring. Oh yeah,and cut the grass, make trips to the dump and generally clean up their new 'old' home. I helped Eric stuff his huge bag (looked like a big sports bag) and close the zipper. I had repaired it since some of the seams had come apart after little sis used it. I was shown one hole but found two more areas where the seams were splitting and so, when I saw how much trouble Eric was having closing the zipper, I prayed that the bag and its contents all got to BC safely. On top were these two aprons.